List of transaction synonyms and transaction related words.
accomplished fact, accomplishment, accord, achievement, act, acta, action, administration, adventure, affair, agreement, annals, arrangement, bargain, binding agreement, blow, bond, business, business deal, carrying out, cartel, collective agreement, commercial transaction, commission, compact, completion, concern, concernment, conduct, consortium, contract, convention, coup, covenant, covenant of salt, deal, dealing, dealings, deed, dicker, discharge, dispatch, doing, doings, effectuation, effort, employment contract, enactment, endeavor, enforcement, enterprise, execution, exploit, fait accompli, feat, formal agreement, fulfillment, gest, go, goings-on, hand, handiwork, handling, implementation, interest, ironclad agreement, job, legal agreement, legal contract, management, maneuver, matter, measure, minutes, move, mutual agreement, negotiation, observance, operation, overt act, package deal, pact, paction, passage, performance, perpetration, proceeding, proceedings, production, promise, prosecution, protocol, records, res gestae, step, stipulation, stroke, stunt, thing, thing done, tour de force, transactions, turn, understanding, undertaking, union contract, valid contract, wage contract, work, works