List of tribute synonyms and tribute related words.
Christmas present, acclaim, acclamation, accolade, account, acknowledgment, adulation, allowance, anniversaries, apotheosis, appreciation, assessment, award, bepraisement, bill, birthday present, blackmail, blood money, box, by-line, cadeau, call, call for, celebrating, celebration, ceremony, cess, charge, citation, claim, commemoration, commendation, compliment, confession, congratulation, conscience money, contribution, credit line, deification, demand, demand for, direct tax, draft, drain, dressing ship, dues, duty, eloge, emolument, encomium, esteem, eulogium, eulogy, exaction, exaltation, excessive praise, excise, extortion, extortionate demand, fairing, fanfare, fanfaronade, fee, festivity, flattery, flourish of trumpets, footing, gift, glorification, glory, graduated taxation, handsel, heavy demand, hero worship, holiday, homage, hommage, honor, honorable mention, hush money, idolatry, idolizing, imposition, impost, indent, indirect tax, initiation fee, insistent demand, joint return, jubilee, kudos, laud, laudation, levy, lionizing, magnification, marking the occasion, meed of praise, memorialization, memory, mention, mileage, monument, nonnegotiable demand, notice, oblation, observance, offering, order, ovation, overpraise, paean, panegyric, payment, peace offering, praise, present, presentation, progressive tax, ransom, reckoning, recognition, reference, rejoicing, religious rites, remembrance, requirement, requisition, respect, retainer, retaining fee, revel, rite, ritual observance, rush, rush order, salutation, salute, salvo, scot, separate returns, signature, single tax, solemn observance, solemnization, stipend, supertax, surcharge, surtax, tariff, tax, tax base, tax dodging, tax evasion, tax exemption, tax return, tax structure, tax withholding, tax-exempt status, taxable income, taxation, taxing, testimonial, testimonial banquet, testimonial dinner, tithe, toast, toll, trademark, triumph, ultimatum, warning