List of trifurcate synonyms and trifurcate related words.
V-shaped, Y-shaped, arboreal, arborescent, arboriform, biforked, bifurcate, bifurcated, branched, branching, branchlike, crotched, deltoid, dendriform, dendritic, forked, forking, forklike, furcate, pronged, ramous, three-cornered, three-dimensional, three-footed, three-pronged, three-sided, tree-shaped, treelike, triangular, triangulate, triarch, trichotomous, tricorn, tricornered, tricuspid, trident, tridental, tridentlike, trifid, triflorate, triflorous, trifurcated, trigonal, trigonoid, trigrammatic, trihedral, trilateral, trimerous, triparted, tripartite, tripodic, triquetral, triquetrous, trisected