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trivial synonyms and trivial related words

Synonyms -> trivial synonyms

List of trivial synonyms and trivial related words.

Mickey, NG, airy, ankle-deep, asinine, base, bickering, captious, casual, catchpenny, caviling, cheap, choplogic, cursory, deficient, depthless, empty, epidermal, equivocatory, evasive, fatuous, few, flimsy, foolish, footling, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, frothy, futile, good-for-naught, good-for-nothing, hairsplitting, hedging, idle, imperfect, inadequate, inane, incompetent, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, insufficient, jejune, junk, junky, knee-deep, light, little, logic-chopping, low, maladroit, meager, mean, measly, mediocre, miniature, minor, negligible, nit-picking, no great shakes, no-account, no-good, not comparable, not deep, not in it, not worth having, not worth mentioning, not worthwhile, nugacious, nugatory, on the surface, otiose, out of it, paltering, petty, picayune, picayunish, pussyfooting, quibbling, shabby, shallow, shallow-rooted, shoal, shoddy, shoestring, short, shuffling, silly, skin-deep, slender, slight, small, small-beer, superficial, surface, thin, tiny, trashy, trichoschistic, trifling, trite, unimportant, unprofound, unskillful, vacuous, vain, valueless, vapid, windy, worthless