List of troop synonyms and troop related words.
KP, age group, ambulate, armed forces, army, army group, assemblage, assembly, band, battalion, battery, battle group, bevy, body, brigade, bunch, cabal, cadre, cast, clique, cohort, collection, colony, column, combat command, combat team, company, complement, contingent, corps, coterie, covey, crew, crowd, detachment, detail, division, drift, drive, drove, faction, field army, field train, file, fleet, flock, flying column, foot it, forces, gam, gang, garrison, gathering, group, grouping, groupment, herd, hoof, host, in-group, junta, kennel, kitchen police, legion, litter, maniple, military, mob, movement, multitude, organization, out-group, outfit, pace, pack, party, peer group, phalanx, platoon, pod, posse, pride, rank, regiment, salon, school, section, set, shoal, skulk, sloth, soldiers, squad, squadron, stable, step, string, tactical unit, task force, team, train, traipse, tread, tribe, trip, troopers, troupe, unit, wing