List of trusty synonyms and trusty related words.
POW, believable, cageling, calculable, captive, chain gang, childlike, colorable, con, conceivable, confiding, convict, credible, credulous, dependable, dependent, depending, detenu, ex-convict, faithful, faithworthy, fast, fiduciary, firm, galantuomo, gaolbird, gentilhomme, gentleman, good man, good woman, guileless, honest man, honest woman, incorruptible, innocent, internee, invincible, inviolable, jailbird, lady, lifer, man of honor, naive, parolee, plausible, political prisoner, predictable, prisoner, prisoner of war, proven, real lady, reliable, reliant, relying, responsible, secure, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, stir bird, straight, straight shooter, substantial, sure, surefire, tenable, tested, ticket-of-leave man, ticket-of-leaver, to be trusted, tried, tried and true, true, true blue, truepenny, trustable, trustful, trusting, trustworthy, unexceptionable, unfailing, unfalse, unimpeachable, unperfidious, unquestionable, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, untreacherous, well-founded, well-grounded, without suspicion, woman of honor, worthy of faith