List of try synonyms and try related words.
acid test, agonize, aim, annoy, appraise, approach, arbitrate, aspire, assay, attempt, bear hard upon, bid, bid for, blank determination, bolt, bother, bring to test, brouillon, burden, chance, charge the jury, check, clarify, clear, conduct a trial, confirm, contend for, crack, criterion, crucial test, crucible, crucify, cut and try, dab, decrassify, demonstrate, depurate, determination, distill, distress, docimasy, edulcorate, effort, elute, endeavor, engage, essay, essentialize, examine, excruciate, experiment, extract, feeling out, filter, filtrate, first draft, fling, gambit, give a try, give a tryout, go, go hard with, go ill with, harass, harrow, hassle, have a go, hear, hold court, hold the scales, hope, inspect, irk, jab, judge, kiteflying, leach, lick, lie on, lift a finger, lixiviate, load, make an attempt, make an effort, martyr, move, offer, officiate, oppress, ordeal, overburden, overload, pain, percolate, play around with, pop, practice upon, probation, proof, prove, pull for, purify, put to trial, rack, rectify, referee, refine, research, road-test, rough draft, rough sketch, run a sample, sample, screen, scrutinize, seek, separate, shake down, shot, sieve, sift, sit in judgment, slap, sounding out, spiritualize, stab, stagger, standard, step, strain, strain for, stress, strike, strive, strive for, striving, stroke, strong bid, struggle, struggle for, sublimate, sublime, substantiate, taste, tentative, test, test case, torment, torture, touchstone, trial, trial and error, trouble, try a case, try for, try it on, try one, try out, umpire, undertake, undertaking, validate, venture, venture on, venture upon, verification, verify, vex, weigh, weigh down, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon, whack, whirl, winnow, wring