List of tube synonyms and tube related words.
Amtrak, L, Photronic cell, adjutage, amplifier, anode, attenuator, audio-frequency tube, baggage train, ballast regulator, ballast tube, barrel, base, beam-switching tube, bole, branch, cable railroad, cable railway, cask, catheter, cathode, cathode-ray tube, channel, choo-choo, cog railroad, cog railway, color kinescope, column, convertor, current regulator, cylinder, cylindroid, damper, detector, direct-viewing tube, discharge tube, discriminator, dissector tube, doubler, drainpipe, drum, efflux tube, el, electric, electric railway, electric train, electrode, electron-image tube, elevated, elevated railway, embankment, express, express train, feeder, feeder line, filament, fire hose, flier, flue pipe, flume, focus tube, freight, freight train, freighter, funicular, funnel, garden hose, gas phototube, gas pipe, generator, goods train, gravity-operated railway, grid, horse railway, hose, hosepipe, iconoscope, image dissector, image iconoscope, interurban, inverter, junction, kinescope, light railroad, lightning express, limited, limiter, line, local, local-oscillator tube, main line, metro, milk train, mixer tube, modulator, monorail, monoscope, multiplier, multiplier phototube, multipurpose tube, multivibrator, nipple, organ pipe, oscillator, output tube, parliamentary, parliamentary train, passenger train, phase inverter, photocathode, photoconductor cell, photomultiplier tube, phototube, photovoltaic cell, picture tube, pillar, pipe, pipeline, pipette, piping, plate, power tube, pulse generator, put through channels, rack railway, rack-and-pinion railroad, rack-and-pinion railway, radio tube, radio-frequency tube, rail, rail line, railroad, railroad train, railway, rattler, receiving tube, rectifier tube, reed, reed pipe, regulator, repeater, roadbed, roadway, roll, roller, rolling stock, rouleau, shuttle, shuttle train, siamese, siamese connection, sidetrack, siding, siphon, snorkel, soft phototube, soil pipe, special, standpipe, steam pipe, stem, straw, streamliner, street railway, streetcar line, subway, switchback, tap, terminal, terminus, track, train, tram, tramline, transducer, trestle, trigatron, trigger tube, trolley line, trunk, trunk line, tubing, tubulation, tubule, tubulet, tubulure, turnout, underground, vacuum phototube, vacuum tube, valve, waste pipe, water pipe, way train