List of turgid synonyms and turgid related words.
Latinate, aureate, awkward, bellied, bloated, blown up, bombastic, bug-eyed, bulged, cramped, cumbrous, dilated, distended, dropsical, edematous, elephantine, enchymatous, euphuistic, exophthalmic, fat, flatulent, flowery, forced, formal, fustian, gassy, goggle, goggled, grandiloquent, guinde, halting, heavy, incrassate, inflated, inkhorn, labored, leaden, lumbering, magniloquent, mouthy, overblown, plethoric, pompous, ponderous, pontifical, popeyed, pouched, puffed up, puffy, pursy, self-important, sesquipedalian, solemn, stiff, stilted, stuffy, swelled, swelling, swollen, tumescent, tumid, tumorous, turgescent, unwieldy, ventose, ventricose, windy