List of type synonyms and type related words.
Platonic form, Platonic idea, adumbration, aesthetic form, affinity, alien, allegory, alphabetize, analyze, animus, antetype, antitype, aptitude, archetype, area, arrange, art form, ascender, assort, augury, auspice, back, bag, barometer, bastard type, beard, belly, bent, betokening, betokenment, bevel, bias, biotype, black letter, blazon, blood, body, body-build, brand, break down, breed, build, canon, cap, capital, case, case in point, cast, catalog, categorize, category, character, characteristic, characteristics, charactery, check, chosen kind, cipher, clan, class, classic example, classification, classify, codify, color, complexion, composition, configuration, conformation, constituents, constitution, conventional symbol, copy, copy out, counter, crackpot, crank, crasis, criterion, cross section, cup of tea, cut, degree, demonstration, denomination, descender, description, designation, dharma, diathesis, digest, disposition, divide, draft, draw up, druthers, eccentric, eccentricity, edit, em, emblem, embodiment, en, enface, engross, epitome, ethos, example, exemplar, exemplification, explanation, exponent, face, fanatic, fancy, fashion, fat-faced type, favor, feather, feet, fiber, field, figuration, figure, file, font, foreshadow, foreshadowing, foreshowing, foretoken, foretokening, form, format, formation, forte, fount, frame, fugleman, fugler, gauge, genius, genotype, genre, genus, glosseme, grade, graduated scale, grain, groove, group, habit, hermit, hobo, hue, humor, humors, icon, iconology, ideogram, idiosyncrasy, ilk, illustration, imitatee, impression, inclination, index, indicant, indication, individualism, inner form, inscribe, instance, italic, keyboard, kidney, kin, kind, kook, label, layout, lead, leaning, letter, lexeme, lexical form, ligature, line, list, logogram, logotype, lone wolf, loner, long suit, lot, love knot, lower case, main interest, majuscule, make, make a recension, make out, makeup, manner, mark, matrix, maverick, measure, mental set, meshuggenah, metier, mettle, mind, mind-set, minuscule, mirror, modality, mode, model, mold, morpheme, natural, nature, nick, nonconformist, norm, number, nut, object lesson, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, omen, order, original, outsider, paradigm, parameter, pariah, partiality, particular choice, pattern, pen, pencil, personal choice, personification, persuasion, pet subject, phrase, phylum, physique, pi, pica, pictogram, pigeonhole, place, point, portent, precedent, predilection, predisposition, preference, prefiguration, preindication, prejudice, premonitory shiver, premonitory sign, premonitory symptom, prepossession, presignifying, print, proclivity, prognostic, prognostication, promise, propensity, property, prototype, pursuit, push the pen, put in writing, quality, quantity, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, quintessence, race, range, rank, rara avis, rate, reading, readout, recense, record, relevant instance, representation, representative, revise, rewrite, roman, rubric, rule, sample, sans serif, scale, screwball, scribe, script, scrive, scroll, semasiological unit, sememe, set, shadow, shank, shape, shoulder, sign, signifiant, significant, significant form, slant, small cap, small capital, solitary, somatotype, soothsay, sort, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, species, specimen, spill ink, spirit, spoil paper, stamp, standard, stem, strain, streak, stripe, strong point, structure, style, subdivide, suchness, superscribe, symbol, symbolic system, symbolism, symbolization, symbology, system, tabulate, taste, technicality, temper, temperament, tendency, tenor, term, test, the like of, the likes of, thing, token, tokening, tone, totem, totem pole, touchstone, trace, tramp, transcribe, tribe, turn, turn of mind, twist, type body, type class, type lice, type species, type specimen, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, typical example, typification, upper case, urtext, value, variety, vein, vocation, warp, way, weakness, word, write, write down, write out, yardstick, zealot