List of under way synonyms and under way related words.
accepted, accidental, accompanying, ado, afloat, afoot, assumed, astir, at sea, brewing, chanced, circumstantial, current, doing, eventuating, forthcoming, going on, happening, homeward bound, in blue water, in embryo, in hand, in motion, in preparation, in process, in production, in progress, in soundings, in the oven, in the wind, in the works, incidental, making way, occasional, occurring, off soundings, off the course, off the heading, on, on foot, on stream, on the anvil, on the fire, on the go, on the move, on the run, on the way, ongoing, passing, prevailing, prevalent, resultant, taking place, under bare poles, under construction, under revision, under sail, undertaken, with sails spread, with way on