List of undercurrent synonyms and undercurrent related words.
affect, affection, affluence, afflux, affluxion, air current, allegory, allusion, ambiance, ambience, arcane meaning, assumption, atmosphere, aura, bucking, challenge, coloration, concourse, confluence, conflux, connotation, contention, contradiction, contraposition, contravention, contraversion, coral heads, counteraction, counterbalance, counterblast, countercurrent, counterforce, counterinfluence, counterpoise, counterpressure, counterweight, counterworking, course, crosscurrent, crossing, current, current of air, defluxion, denial, downdraft, downflow, downpour, draft, drift, driftage, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, experience, fall wind, feeling, feeling tone, flavor, flow, flow of air, flowing, fluency, flux, following wind, foreboding, foul wind, gush, gut reaction, head wind, heartthrob, hint, implication, implied meaning, import, impression, impugnation, impugnment, indraft, inference, inflow, inhalation, innuendo, inrush, inspiration, intimation, ironbound coast, ironic suggestion, jetstream, katabatic wind, ledges, lee shore, meaning, metaphorical sense, mill run, millrace, monsoon, movement of air, murmur, negation, nuance, occult meaning, onrush, onward course, opposing, opposition, opposure, oppugnation, outflow, overtone, passion, pitfall, presentiment, presumption, presupposition, profound sense, quicksands, race, reaction, rebutment, rebuttal, refusal, rejection, resistance, response, rockbound coast, rocks, run, rush, sandbank, sandbar, sands, sensation, sense, sentiment, set, shallows, shoals, spate, standing against, stream, stream of air, subsense, subsidiary sense, suggestion, supposition, surge, symbolism, tail wind, tendency, tenor, tide, tinge, touch, traversal, trend, undermeaning, undertone, undertow, updraft, vibes, vibrations, water flow, wind