List of underdeveloped synonyms and underdeveloped related words.
arrested, backward, behindhand, callow, coarse, crude, defective, deficient, embryonic, failing, hypoplastic, immature, in arrear, in arrears, in default, in embryo, in ovo, in short supply, in the rough, inadequate, incomplete, infant, lacking, missing, needing, oversimple, part, partial, patchy, reductionistic, reductive, rough, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, rudimentary, scant, scanty, scrappy, short, shy, simplistic, sketchy, stunted, unblown, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, undeveloped, unfashioned, unfinished, unformed, unhewn, unlabored, unlicked, unpolished, unprocessed, unprogressive, unrefined, untreated, unworked, unwrought, wanting