List of underwrite synonyms and underwrite related words.
OK, accede to, accept, accredit, affirm, agree to, amen, approve, arm, armor, assure, attest, authenticate, authorize, autograph, avouch, back, back up, be sponsor for, bless, bond, certify, champion, cloak, compass about, confirm, consent to, copyright, cosign, countersecure, countersign, cover, cushion, defend, endorse, ensure, fence, fend, finance, give permission, give the go-ahead, give the imprimatur, give thumbs up, guarantee, guaranty, guard, harbor, haven, indorse, initial, insure, invest in, keep, keep from harm, make a promise, make safe, nestle, notarize, okay, pass, pass on, pass upon, patent, permit, pledge, plight, police, promise, protect, ratify, register, ride shotgun for, rubber stamp, safeguard, sanction, say amen to, screen, seal, second, secure, shelter, shield, shroud, sign, sign and seal, sign for, sponsor, stand behind, stand up for, subscribe to, subsidize, subvene, support, swear, swear and affirm, swear to, troth, undersign, uphold, validate, visa, vise, vouch, vow, warrant