List of unfavorable synonyms and unfavorable related words.
adversary, adversative, adverse, against, alien, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, apocalyptic, bad, baleful, baneful, black, bodeful, boding, clashing, competitive, con, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, counter, counteractive, cross, dark, deleterious, detrimental, difficult, dire, disaccordant, disadvantageous, disappointed, disapprobatory, disapproving, discontented, disenchanted, disgruntled, disillusioned, displeased, dissatisfied, dissentient, dissenting, disserviceable, doomful, dreary, enemy, evil, evil-starred, fateful, foreboding, fractious, gloomy, hard, harmful, hostile, ill, ill-boding, ill-considered, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-seasoned, ill-starred, ill-timed, improper, in opposition, inappropriate, inauspicious, inconvenient, indignant, inexpedient, infelicitous, inimical, injurious, inopportune, intempestive, intrusive, irrelevant, late, low, lowering, mal a propos, malapropos, menacing, miserable, mistimed, negative, noncooperative, not easy, obstinate, of evil portent, off base, ominous, opponent, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppugnant, out of line, out of phase, out of time, overthwart, perverse, poor, portending, portentous, prejudicial, premature, recalcitrant, refractory, repugnant, rigorous, rival, sinister, somber, stressful, threatening, too late, too soon, troublesome, troublous, trying, turned-off, unadvantageous, unappreciative, unapproving, unbefitting, uncomplimentary, uncooperative, unfit, unfitting, unfortunate, unfriendly, unhandy, unhappy, unlucky, unprofitable, unpromising, unpropitious, unready, unrewarding, unripe, unseasonable, unsuitable, untimely, untoward, useless, worthless, wretched, wrong