List of unfinished synonyms and unfinished related words.
adulterated, amateurish, arrested, backward, blemished, coarse, crude, dabbling, damaged, defective, deficient, dilettante, dilettantish, embryonic, erroneous, fallible, faulty, found wanting, immature, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, impure, in embryo, in ovo, in the rough, inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, inexact, jackleg, lacking, makeshift, mediocre, mixed, neglected, not perfect, off, oversimple, partial, patchy, reductionistic, reductive, rough, roughcast, roughhewn, rude, rudimental, rudimentary, semiskilled, short, simplistic, sketchy, stunted, unaccomplished, unachieved, unattained, unblown, unbusinesslike, uncoached, uncompleted, unconsummated, uncultivated, uncultured, uncut, underdeveloped, undeveloped, undischarged, undone, undressed, unendowed, uneven, unexecuted, unfashioned, unformed, unfulfilled, ungifted, unhewn, uninitiated, unlabored, unlicked, unperfected, unperformed, unpolished, unprepared, unprimed, unprocessed, unprofessional, unrealized, unrefined, unschooled, unskilled, unsound, untalented, untaught, unthorough, untrained, untreated, untutored, unworked, unwrought, wanting