List of unguent synonyms and unguent related words.
adipose, balm, balsam, blubbery, brilliantine, buttery, butyraceous, cerate, chrism, chrismal, chrismatory, cold cream, collyrium, cream, demulcent, embrocation, emollient, eye-lotion, eyewash, eyewater, face cream, fat, fatty, greasy, hand lotion, inunction, inunctum, lanolin, lardaceous, lardy, lenitive, liniment, lotion, mucoid, nard, oil, oily, ointment, oleaginous, oleic, pomade, pomatum, rich, salve, sebaceous, sleek, slick, slippery, smooth, soapy, soothing syrup, spikenard, suety, tallowy, unction, unctuous, unguentary, unguentous, unguentum, vulnerary