List of unidentified synonyms and unidentified related words.
able, anonymous, cryptonymic, cryptonymous, enigmatic, incalculable, incognito, incognizable, innominate, mysterious, nameless, puzzling, sealed, strange, unacknowledged, unapparent, unapprehended, unascertained, unbeknown, uncharted, unclassified, undefined, undesignated, undisclosed, undiscoverable, undiscovered, undivulged, unexplained, unexplored, unexposed, unfamiliar, unfathomed, unheard, unheard-of, uninvestigated, unknowable, unknown, unmarked, unnamed, unperceived, unplumbed, unrecognized, unrevealed, unspecified, unsuspected, untouched, virgin, without a name