List of uninitiated synonyms and uninitiated related words.
a novice at, a stranger to, amateurish, awkward, blankminded, callow, dumb, empty, empty-headed, fresh, gauche, green, green as grass, groping, ignorant, immature, inane, inexperienced, innocent, know-nothing, naive, nescient, new to, raw, semiskilled, simple, strange to, tentative, unaccomplished, unaccustomed to, unacquainted, unacquainted with, unapprized, unbusinesslike, uncoached, uncomprehending, unconversant, unconversant with, undeveloped, unendowed, unenlightened, unexperienced, unfamiliar, unfamiliar with, unfinished, unfledged, ungifted, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated in, unintelligent, unknowing, unmatured, unpolished, unposted, unpracticed, unpracticed in, unprepared, unprimed, unprofessional, unripe, unschooled, unseasoned, unskilled, unskilled in, unsure, untalented, untaught, untrained, untried, untutored, unused to, unversed, unversed in, vacuous