List of unintelligent synonyms and unintelligent related words.
artless, awkward, blankminded, brainless, callow, dumb, empty, empty-headed, fatuous, foolish, gauche, green, groping, half-assed, headless, ignorant, inadept, inane, inapt, inattentive, inefficient, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, innocent, insensate, irrational, know-nothing, lackbrained, lean-minded, lean-witted, mediocre, mindless, naive, nescient, not bright, of little brain, pea-brained, pedestrian, pin-brained, poor, raw, reasonless, senseless, simple, skill-less, slackminded, slackwitted, strange to, tentative, thoughtless, unacquainted, unapprized, unapt, uncomprehending, unconversant, undeft, undexterous, undextrous, unenlightened, unfacile, unfamiliar, ungifted, unilluminated, uninformed, uninitiated, unintellectual, unknowing, unposted, unproficient, unreasoning, unripe, unskillful, unsure, untalented, unthinking, unversed, unwise, vacuous, weak, witless