List of variably synonyms and variably related words.
at irregular intervals, at random, back and forth, brokenly, by catches, by fits, by jerks, by snatches, capriciously, changeably, desultorily, disconnectedly, discontinuously, eccentrically, erratically, fitfully, haltingly, in and out, in snatches, in spots, inconstantly, intermittently, irregularly, jerkily, lurchingly, nonuniformly, off and on, on and off, patchily, roughly, round and round, spasmodically, sporadically, spottily, to and fro, uncertainly, unevenly, unmethodically, unpredictably, unrhythmically, unsteadfastly, unsteadily, unsystematically, waveringly, whimsically, wobblingly