List of veneer synonyms and veneer related words.
appearance, aspect, board, brick, clapboard, coat, coating, collop, cover, covering, cursoriness, cut, deal, disguise, disk, enamel, epidermis, extenuate, exteriority, facade, face, facing, false front, feuille, film, finish, flap, foil, fold, front, fur, glass, glaze, gloss, gloss over, guise, lacquer, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lap, lath, leaf, mask, membrane, mere scratch, no depth, no water, outward show, paint, pane, panel, paper, patina, peel, pellicle, pinprick, plait, plank, plate, plating, ply, plywood, rasher, revet, revetment, rind, safety glass, scale, scratch, scum, shake, shallowness, sheathe, sheet, shingle, shoaliness, show, skin, slab, slat, slate, slice, slightness, stone, sugarcoat, superficiality, superficies, surface, table, tablet, thatch, tile, triviality, varnish, wafer, wall in, wall up, wallpaper, weatherboard, white, whiten, whitewash, window dressing