List of verify synonyms and verify related words.
affirm, assay, attest, audit, authenticate, back, back up, balance, balance the books, bear out, bolster, bring to test, buttress, certify, check, check and doublecheck, check out, check over, circumstantiate, clench, clinch, collate, confirm, corroborate, cross-check, cut and try, demonstrate, document, double-check, essay, establish, experiment, fortify, give a try, give a tryout, guarantee, have a go, inventory, justify, overhaul, painstakingly match, play around with, practice upon, probate, prove, put to trial, ratify, recheck, reinforce, research, road-test, run a sample, sample, scrutinize comparatively, settle, shake down, show, strengthen, substantiate, support, sustain, take stock, taste, test, triple-check, try, try it on, try out, undergird, uphold, validate, vouch for, warrant