List of verse synonyms and verse related words.
English sonnet, Horatian ode, Italian sonnet, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, Spenserian stanza, acquaint, adage, advertise, advertise of, advise, alba, ana, anacreontic, anacrusis, analects, antistrophe, aphorism, apothegm, apprise, article, avant-propos, axiom, back matter, balada, ballad, ballade, bass passage, book, bourdon, breakthrough, bridge, brief, bring word, bucolic, burden, byword, cadence, canso, canto, catchword, chanson, chapter, chorus, clause, clerihew, climb Parnassus, coda, collected sayings, column, communicate, compose poetry, couplet, current saying, development, dictate, dictum, dirge, disclose, distich, dithyramb, division, eclogue, elegize, elegy, enlighten, envoi, epic, epigram, epithalamium, epode, epopee, epopoeia, epos, exordium, exposition, expression, familiarize, fascicle, figure, folderol, folio, foreword, front matter, frontispiece, gathering, georgic, ghazel, give notice, give the facts, give word, gnome, golden saying, haiku, harmonic close, heptastich, hexastich, idyll, inform, innovation, installment, instruct, interlude, intermezzo, introduction, introductory phrase, jingle, lay, leap, leave word, let know, limerick, line, lisp in numbers, livraison, lyric, madrigal, make immortal verse, maxim, measure, mention to, monody, monostich, moral, mot, motto, mount Pegasus, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence, musical thought, narrative poem, notify, number, nursery rhyme, octastich, octave, octet, ode, oracle, ornament, ottava rima, overture, page, palinode, paragraph, part, passage, pastoral, pastoral elegy, pastorela, pastourelle, pentastich, period, phrase, pithy saying, poem, poesy, poetize, poetry, postulate, preamble, precept, preface, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premise, prescript, presupposition, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, protasis, prothalamium, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, quatrain, refrain, report, resolution, response, rhyme, rhyme royal, ritornello, rondeau, rondel, roundel, roundelay, rune, satire, saw, saying, section, send word, sentence, sententious expression, septet, serial, serve notice, sestet, sestina, sextet, sheet, signature, sing, sing deathless songs, sloka, song, sonnet, sonnet sequence, speak, stanza, statement, stave, stock saying, strain, strophe, sutra, syllable, tailpiece, tanka, teaching, tell, tenso, tenzone, tercet, terza rima, tetrastich, text, the supreme fiction, threnody, triolet, triplet, tristich, troubadour poem, tutti, tutti passage, variation, verselet, versicle, versify, villanelle, virelay, volume, voluntary, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom, write poetry