List of victimize synonyms and victimize related words.
bamboozle, beat, beguile of, beset, bilk, bleed, bleed white, bully, bunco, burn, cheat, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, circumvent, clip, cog, cog the dice, con, cozen, crib, deceive, defraud, diddle, do in, do out of, dupe, elude, euchre, evade, exploit, finagle, flam, fleece, flimflam, fob, foil, fool, frustrate, fudge, get around, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go after, go one better, gouge, gull, gyp, harass, harry, have, hoax, hocus, hocus-pocus, hold up, hoodwink, hound, hunt, immolate, molest, mulct, oppress, outfigure, outflank, outfox, outgeneral, outguess, outmaneuver, outplay, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overcharge, overprice, overreach, overtax, pack the deal, pass the buck, persecute, pick on, pigeon, practice fraud upon, prey on, profiteer, pursue, rook, scam, screw, sell gold bricks, shaft, shave, shortchange, skin, snooker, soak, stack the cards, stick, sting, stonewall, suck in, surcharge, swindle, take a dive, take advantage of, take in, thimblerig, throw a fight, torment, trick, use