List of vital synonyms and vital related words.
abiding, aboveground, acid, age-long, aged, agog, alacritous, alive, alive and kicking, all agog, among the living, ancient, animate, animated, animating, antic, antique, anxious, armipotent, authoritative, avid, bang, basic, bedrock, biological, biotic, biting, bouncing, breathing, breathless, brisk, bursting to, called for, capable of life, capersome, cardinal, central, chronic, cogent, coltish, compulsory, conscious, constant, constitutive, continuing, corrosive, critical, crucial, cutting, desirous, diuturnal, drive, driving, durable, dynamic, eager, effective, endowed with life, enduring, energetic, enlivened, enlivening, essential, evergreen, existent, exuberant, flush, focal, forceful, forcible, forward, frisky, frolicsome, full of beans, full of life, fundamental, gamesome, gay, getup, gutsy, hale, hale and hearty, hardy, hearty, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, immutable, impatient, imperative, important, impressive, in force, in power, in the flesh, incisive, indicated, indispensable, inspirited, instinct with life, integral, intransient, inveterate, invigorating, irreducible, irreductible, irreplaceable, irresistible, keen, key, lasting, life-and-death, life-giving, life-or-death, live, lively, living, long-lasting, long-lived, long-standing, long-term, longeval, longevous, lusty, macrobiotic, main, mandatory, material, mighty, mighty in battle, mordant, necessary, needed, needful, nervous, of long duration, of long standing, of vital importance, operative, organic, organized, panting, paramount, penetrating, perdurable, perduring, perennial, permanent, perpetual, persistent, persisting, physiological, piercing, pivotal, playful, poignant, potent, powerful, prepotent, prerequisite, prompt, puissant, punchy, quick, quickening, raring to, ready, ready and willing, red-blooded, rejuvenating, remaining, required, requisite, reviving, robust, robustious, robustuous, rollicking, rollicksome, rompish, rude, rugged, ruling, sempervirent, sensational, sinewed, sinewy, skittish, slashing, spirited, sportive, sprightly, stable, stalwart, staying, steadfast, stout, strenuous, striking, strong, sturdy, substantive, telling, tenacious of life, tough, trenchant, unfading, unforgoable, valid, very much alive, viable, vigorous, vim, vitality, vitalizing, vivacious, vivid, vivified, vivifying, wanted, zestful, zippy, zoetic