List of voodoo synonyms and voodoo related words.
Jonah, alchemy, amulet, bad influence, bedevil, bewitch, bewitchery, cantrip, charm, conjurer, curse, demonize, diabolize, divination, enchant, enchanter, enchantment, evil eye, evil genius, evil star, exorciser, exorcist, fetish, fetishism, fylfot, gammadion, glamour, good-luck charm, gramarye, hex, hoodoo, ill wind, incantational, incantatory, jinx, juju, jujuism, love charm, lucky bean, lucky piece, madstone, mage, magian, magic, magus, malevolent influence, malocchio, mascot, medicine man, mumbo jumbo, mundunugu, natural magic, necromancer, necromancy, necromantic, numinous, obeah, obeah doctor, obsess, overlook, periapt, philter, phylactery, possess, rune, scarab, scarabaeus, scarabee, shaman, shamanic, shamanism, shamanist, shamanistic, sorcerer, sorcerous, sorcery, sortilege, spell, spellbinding, spellcasting, sudarium, swastika, sympathetic magic, talisman, talismanic, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, theurgy, unspeller, vampirism, veronica, voodooism, voodooist, voodooistic, wanga, wangateur, warlock, weird, whammy, white magic, witch, witch doctor, witch master, witch-finder, witchcraft, witchery, witchlike, witchman, witchwork, witchy, wizard, wizardlike, wizardly, wizardry