List of vulnerable synonyms and vulnerable related words.
aidless, answerable for, apt to, assailable, attackable, beatable, breakable, brittle, brittle as glass, capable of, conquerable, crackable, crisp, crispy, crumbly, crushable, defenseless, delicate, dependent on, exposed to, expugnable, fatherless, fissile, flimsy, fracturable, fragile, frail, frangible, friable, friendless, guideless, helpless, in danger of, incident to, lacerable, leaderless, liable to, likely to, motherless, naked to, obliged to, open to, penetrable, pregnable, prone to, ready for, responsible for, scissile, shatterable, shattery, shivery, splintery, standing to, subject to, surmountable, susceptive to, unfriended, unprotected, untenable, vincible, weak, within range of