List of wandering synonyms and wandering related words.
Wanderjahr, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, aberrative, abnormal, adrift, afebrile delirium, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, aimless, aimlessness, alternating, ambulant, amorphous, anomalistic, anomalous, babbling, bend, bereft of reason, bias, brainsick, brainstorm, branching off, broken, bumming, by the way, capricious, careening, casual, catchy, changeable, changeful, choppy, circuitous, circuitousness, circumforaneous, corner, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, crook, curve, daft, declination, delirious, deliriousness, delirium, deluded, demented, departing, departure, deprived of reason, deranged, desultoriness, desultory, detour, deviable, deviance, deviancy, deviant, deviating, deviation, deviative, deviatory, devious, deviousness, different, digression, digressive, digressiveness, disarticulated, disconnected, discontinuous, discursion, discursive, discursiveness, disjunct, disordered, disoriented, dispersed, disproportionate, distracted, distrait, distraught, divagation, divagatory, divarication, divergence, divergent, diversion, dizzy, dogleg, double, drift, drifting, eccentric, episodic, errant, errantry, erratic, excursion, excursive, excursus, exorbitation, fast and loose, fickle, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, floating, fluctuating, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, formless, frantic, freakish, frivolous, fugitive, gadding, giddy, gratuitous, guttering, gypsy-like, gypsyish, hairpin, hallucinated, halting, haphazard, herky-jerky, heteroclite, heteromorphic, hit-or-miss, hoboism, immethodical, impetuous, impulsive, inchoate, incoherence, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, indirect, indirection, indiscriminate, infirm, insane, intermittent, intermitting, irrational, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, itineracy, itinerancy, jerky, labyrinthine, landloping, lightheaded, lingual delirium, loco, loose, lunatic, lurching, mad, maddened, manic, maundering, mazed, mazy, meandering, meaningless, mental, mentally deficient, mercurial, meshuggah, migrational, migratory, misshapen, moody, moon-struck, nomad, nomadic, nomadism, non compos, non compos mentis, nonsymmetrical, nonsystematic, nonuniform, not all there, not right, obliquity, odd, of unsound mind, off, orderless, out-of-the-way, patchy, perambulatory, peregrination, pererration, planetary, planless, promiscuous, psycho, queer, ramble, rambling, random, ranging, ranting, raving, reasonless, restless, roam, roaming, rough, rove, roving, scatterbrained, scrappy, senseless, serpentine, shapeless, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shifty, shuffling, sick, skew, slant, snaky, snatchy, spasmatic, spasmic, spasmodic, spastic, spineless, sporadic, spotty, staggering, stark-mad, stark-staring mad, straggling, straggly, strange, stray, straying, strolling, subnormal, sweep, swerve, swerving, swinging, systemless, tack, tetched, touched, traipsing, transient, transitory, transmigratory, turn, turning, twist, twisting, unaccountable, unarranged, unbalanced, uncertain, unclassified, uncontrolled, undependable, undirected, undisciplined, unequal, uneven, unfixed, ungraded, unhinged, unjoined, unmethodical, unmetrical, unnatural, unordered, unorganized, unpredictable, unregular, unreliable, unrestrained, unrhythmical, unsane, unsettled, unsorted, unsound, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsymmetrical, unsystematic, ununiform, vacillating, vagabond, vagabondage, vagabondia, vagabondism, vagrancy, vagrant, vague, variable, variation, veer, veering, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wanderlust, wanton, warp, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayfaring, wayward, whimsical, wild, winding, wishy-washy, witless, wobbling, wobbly, yaw, zigzag