List of warped synonyms and warped related words.
abandoned, affected, anamorphous, antiblack, apocryphal, artificial, askew, assumed, asymmetric, bastard, bent, biased, blemished, bogus, bowed, brummagem, chauvinistic, checked, cicatrized, cockeyed, colorable, colored, contaminated, contorted, corrupt, corrupted, counterfeit, counterfeited, cracked, crazed, crazy, crooked, crumpled, crunched, debased, debauched, decadent, defaced, defective, deformed, degenerate, degraded, depraved, deviative, disfigured, dissolute, distorted, doctrinaire, dogmatic, dressed up, dummy, embellished, embroidered, ersatz, factitious, fake, faked, falsified, faulty, feigned, fictitious, fictive, flawed, garbled, illegitimate, imitation, influenced, interested, involved, irregular, jaundiced, junky, keloidal, kinked, know-nothing, labyrinthine, lopsided, make-believe, man-made, marred, mock, morally polluted, nonobjective, nonsymmetric, one-sided, opinionated, partial, partisan, perverted, phony, pimpled, pimply, pinchbeck, polluted, prejudiced, prepossessed, pretended, profligate, pseudo, put-on, quasi, queer, racist, reprobate, rotten, scabbed, scabby, scarified, scarred, self-styled, sexist, sham, shoddy, simulated, so-called, soi-disant, split, sprung, spurious, steeped in iniquity, superpatriotic, supposititious, swayed, synthetic, tainted, tendentious, tin, tinsel, titivated, tortuous, twisted, ultranationalist, unauthentic, undetached, undispassionate, ungenuine, unnatural, unneutral, unreal, unsymmetric, vice-corrupted, vitiated, xenophobic