List of weakly synonyms and weakly related words.
a bit, a la sourdine, a little, anemic, asthenic, barely, bloodless, by a hair, by an ace, cachectic, chicken, cowardly, daintily, debilitated, decrepit, delicately, dimly, drained, drooping, droopy, dull, effeminately, effete, enervated, etiolated, ever so little, exhausted, exiguously, failing, faint, faintish, faintly, feeble, feebly, flabby, flaccid, flimsy, floppy, fragile, frail, gently, gone, gutless, hardly, healthless, hushedly, imbecile, imperfectly, impotent, in poor health, inappreciably, inconsequentially, infirm, infirmly, insignificantly, insubstantial, invalid, just a bit, languid, languishing, languorous, languorously, lightly, limber, limp, listless, listlessly, little, low, lustless, marrowless, meagerly, minimally, minutely, moribund, negligibly, nerveless, not hardly, only just, pale, peaked, peaky, pianissimo, piano, pithless, pooped, powerless, reduced, reduced in health, rubbery, run-down, sapless, scantily, scarcely, shakily, sickly, sinewless, slack, slightly, soft, softly, sordamente, sordo, spineless, strengthless, strengthlessly, subduedly, tant soit peu, teeteringly, totteringly, triflingly, unhardened, unhealthy, unnerved, unsound, unsoundly, unsteadily, unstrung, unsubstantial, unsubstantially, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weak, weakened, with low resistance