List of wear synonyms and wear related words.
abate, abide, ablate, ablation, about ship, abrade, abrase, abrasion, abrasive, act a part, affect, apparel, array, assume, atomization, attire, attrition, back and fill, bark, bate, be dressed in, be eaten away, be infinitely repetitive, be tedious, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, bedizenment, bide, box off, break, breakup, bring about, bring round, buffing, burn out, burnishing, cant, cant round, carry on, cast, cast about, chafe, chafing, change course, change the heading, clothes, clothing, come about, consume, consume away, continue, continue to be, corrode, corrosion, costume, counterfeit, crumble, crumbling, debilitate, decay, decline, decomposition, decrease, defeat time, defy time, degradation, deliquesce, deplete, depreciate, detrition, die away, dilapidation, diminish, disintegration, disjunction, disorganization, dissipate, dissolution, dive, do a bit, do in, do up, double a point, drag on, drain, dramatize, drapery, dress, dressing, dribble away, drop, drop off, duds, dwell, dwindle, ebb, endure, enervate, erase, erasure, erode, erosion, exhaust, exist, extend, fag, fag out, fake, fall, fall away, fall off, fashion, fatigue, fatigues, feathers, feign, fetch about, fig, file, filing, flag, fray, frazzle, fret, fretting, gall, galling, garb, garments, gear, glut, gnaw, gnaw away, go about, go on, go on forever, grate, graze, grazing, grind, grinding, guise, gybe, habiliment, habit, harass, have on, heave round, histrionize, hold, hold on, hold out, incoherence, investiture, investment, irk, jade, jibe, jibe all standing, keep, keep on, knock out, knock up, languish, last, last long, last out, lessen, let up, limation, linen, live, live on, live through, maintain, make out like, melt away, miss stays, overact, overfatigue, overstrain, overtire, overweary, pall, perdure, perennate, persist, play, play a part, play a scene, playact, plummet, plunge, ply, polishing, poop, poop out, pretend, prevail, prostrate, put about, put back, put on, put on airs, rags, raiment, rasp, rasping, ravages of time, raze, remain, resolution, robes, round a point, rub away, rub off, rub out, rubbing away, run, run low, run on, sag, sandblasting, sanding, satiate, scour, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching, scrub, scrubbing, scuff, sham, sheer, shift, shining, shrink, simulate, sink, skin, slew, smoothing, sport, sportswear, squander, stand, stay, stay on, style, subside, subsist, survive, sustain, swerve, swing round, swing the stern, tack, tail off, tarry, tatter, threads, throw about, tide over, tire, tire out, tire to death, togs, toilette, trim, turn, turn back, use, use up, veer, vestment, vesture, wane, waste, waste away, weaken, wear and tear, wear away, wear down, wear off, wear on, wear out, wear ragged, wear ship, wear well, wearing apparel, wearing away, weary, weather, weathering, wilt, wind, yaw