List of weariness synonyms and weariness related words.
acedia, adynamia, anemia, apathy, atony, blah feeling, bloodlessness, boredness, boredom, brain fag, bromidic, cachexia, cachexy, cowardice, debilitation, debility, dispiritedness, drowsiness, dry, dryasdust, dull, dullness, dusty, enervation, enfeeblement, ennui, etiolation, exhaustion, eyestrain, faintness, fatigue, fed-upness, feebleness, flabbiness, flaccidity, goneness, heart strain, heaviness, hebetude, impotence, inanimation, indifference, insipid, jadedness, lackadaisicalness, languidness, languishment, languor, languorousness, lassitude, lenitude, lentor, lethargy, life-weariness, lifelessness, listlessness, melancholy, mental fatigue, mental strain, oscitancy, overstrain, overtiredness, passivity, phlegm, prostration, satedness, satiation, satiety, sleepiness, sloth, slothfulness, slowness, sluggishness, softness, somnolence, spleen, stance fatigue, strain, strengthlessness, stupefaction, stupor, supineness, taedium vitae, tedious, tiredness, torpidity, torpidness, torpitude, torpor, uninteresting, weakliness, weakness, weariful, wearifulness, world-weariness