List of wheal synonyms and wheal related words.
abscess, aposteme, bed sore, blain, bleb, blister, boil, bubo, bulla, bunion, canker, canker sore, carbuncle, chancre, chancroid, chilblain, cold sore, eschar, felon, fester, festering, fever blister, fistula, furuncle, furunculus, gathering, gumboil, hemorrhoids, kibe, lesion, papula, papule, paronychia, parulis, petechia, piles, pimple, pock, polyp, pustule, rising, scab, soft chancre, sore, stigma, strake, streak, stripe, sty, suppuration, swelling, tubercle, ulcer, ulceration, wale, weal, welt, whelk, whelp, whitlow, wound