List of wheel of fortune synonyms and wheel of fortune related words.
April showers, Chance, Dame Fortune, Fortuna, Fortune, Friday, Friday the thirteenth, Lady Luck, Luck, Proteus, appointed lot, astral influences, astrology, blind Chance, book of fate, chameleon, cloud shapes, constellation, crap table, cup, destination, destiny, dies funestis, doom, end, fatality, fate, fickle Chance, foredoom, fortune, future, gambling table, gambling wheel, ides of March, inevitability, kaleidoscope, kismet, lot, mercury, moira, moon, one-armed bandit, planets, portion, quicksilver, raffle wheel, rolling stone, roulette wheel, shifting sands, slot machine, stars, the weather, unlucky day, water, weather vane, weathercock, weird, whirligig, will of Heaven