List of whelp synonyms and whelp related words.
Seeing Eye dog, animal, bandog, be confined, bear, bear a child, bear young, beast, birdling, bitch, bowwow, boy, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, calf, calve, canine, cast, catling, chick, chickling, chicky, colt, cub, cur, dog, dogie, drop, duckling, fancy dog, farrow, fawn, fellow, fledgling, foal, fryer, give birth, gosling, guide dog, gyp, have, have a baby, have young, hobbledehoy, hound, hyena, insect, kennel, kid, kit, kitten, labor, lad, laddie, lamb, lambkin, lap dog, lie in, litter, manchild, master, mongrel, muchacho, nest, nestling, pack of dogs, pig, piglet, pigling, polecat, polliwog, pooch, pullet, pup, puppy, reptile, schoolboy, serpent, sheep dog, shoat, show dog, skunk, sled dog, slut, snake, sonny, sonny boy, swine, tadpole, throw, toy dog, travail, varmint, vermin, viper, wale, watchdog, weal, weaner, welt, whelk, working dog, worm, yean, yeanling, young man, youth