List of wide synonyms and wide related words.
aberrant, abroad, abstract, accented, adrift, advanced, afield, all abroad, all off, all wrong, alveolar, amiss, ample, amplitudinous, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, askew, assimilated, astray, at fault, awry, back, barytone, beside the mark, bilabial, bland, broad, broad-gauged, broad-minded, broadly, cacuminal, capacious, catholic, central, cerebral, checked, clear, close, collective, commodious, comprehensive, consonant, consonantal, continuant, copious, corrupt, cosmopolitan, deceptive, deep, defective, delusive, dental, deviant, deviational, deviative, diffuse, dissimilated, distantly and broadly, distorted, dorsal, ecumenical, ecumenistic, errant, erring, erroneous, expansive, extended, extending, extensive, fallacious, false, far afield, far and near, far and wide, far-embracing, far-extending, far-flung, far-flying, far-going, far-ranging, far-reaching, faultful, faulty, featureless, flat, flawed, front, full, general, generalized, generic, generous, glide, glossal, glottal, guttural, hard, heavy, heretical, heterodox, high, illogical, illusory, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscriminate, infinite, intonated, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, large-scale, lateral, lax, liberal, light, lingual, liquid, low, mid, monophthongal, muted, narrow, nasal, nasalized, nebulous, neutral, noninsular, nonspecific, not right, not true, occlusive, off, off the track, open, out, oxytone, palatal, palatalized, peccant, perverse, perverted, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, pitch, pitched, posttonic, progressive, radical, retroflex, roomy, rounded, scopic, self-contradictory, semivowel, soft, sonant, spacious, spacious of mind, spreading, stopped, straying, stressed, strong, surd, sweeping, syllabic, tense, thick, throaty, tolerant, tonal, tonic, twangy, unaccented, unbigoted, uncharacterized, undifferentiated, unfactual, unfanatical, unhidebound, unorthodox, unparochial, unproved, unprovincial, unrounded, unspecified, unstressed, untrue, vague, vast, velar, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, voluminous, vowel, vowellike, weak, wholesale, wide-extended, wide-extending, wide-minded, wide-ranging, wide-reaching, wide-stretching, widely, widespread, wrong