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wishful thinking synonyms and wishful thinking related words

Synonyms -> wishful thinking synonyms

List of wishful thinking synonyms and wishful thinking related words.

alienation, autism, autistic thinking, avoidance mechanism, bamboozlement, befooling, blame-shifting, blind faith, bluffing, calculated deception, circumvention, compensation, conning, credulity, credulousness, daydream, daydreaming, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, decompensation, defense mechanism, defrauding, delusion, delusiveness, dereism, dereistic thinking, displacement, disposition to believe, dissociation, dotage, dreamery, dupery, ease of belief, emotional insulation, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, escape, escape into fantasy, escape mechanism, escapism, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, fantasizing, fantasy, flight, flight of fancy, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fondness, fooling, gross credulity, hallucination, hoodwinking, ideal, idealism, ideality, idealization, illusion, imaginative exercise, impracticality, infatuation, isolation, kidding, mirage, negativism, nostalgia, outwitting, overcompensation, overcredulity, overcredulousness, overopenness to conviction, overreaching, overtrustfulness, phantasm, play of fancy, projection, psychotaxis, putting on, quixotism, quixotry, rash conviction, rationalization, resistance, romance, romanticism, self-deception, snow job, sociological adjustive reactions, song and dance, spoofery, spoofing, sublimation, substitution, subterfuge, swindling, trickiness, tricking, trustfulness, uncritical acceptance, uncriticalness, unpracticalness, unquestioning belief, unrealism, unreality, unripe acceptation, unskepticalness, unsuspectingness, unsuspiciousness, utopianism, victimization, vision, visionariness, will to believe, willful misconception, willingness to believe, wish fulfillment, wish-fulfillment fantasy, wishful belief, wishfulness, wistful eye, wistfulness, withdrawal, yearnfulness