List of wisp synonyms and wisp related words.
autoluminescence, bantam, banty, batch, bioluminescence, bunch, button, cathode luminescence, chemicoluminescence, chemiluminescence, chit, clump, cluster, copse, corposant, crop, crystalloluminescence, diminutive, double corposant, electroluminescence, fata morgana, featherweight, fingerling, fluorescence, fox fire, group, grouping, groupment, grove, hassock, ignis fatuus, knot, lightweight, lot, luciferase, luciferin, luminescence, luminophor, marshfire, mess, mini, minikin, minnow, minny, mouse, noctiluscence, nubbin, peewee, phosphor, phosphorescence, photoluminescence, pony, radioluminescence, runt, shock, shrimp, slew, slip, small fry, snip, snippet, stook, thermoluminescence, thicket, tit, tribofluorescence, triboluminescence, tribophosphorescence, tuft, tussock, wart, witch fire