List of wit synonyms and wit related words.
ESP, IQ, Italian hand, ability, acumen, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, airmanship, alertness, apprehension, art, artfulness, artifice, artisanship, artistry, assume, astuteness, awareness, balance, banana, brain, brains, bravura, brilliance, burlesquer, cageyness, caliber, callidity, canniness, capability, capacity, caricaturist, clairvoyance, cleverness, clown, comedian, comic, command, competence, comprehension, conceit, conceive, conception, control, coordination, craft, craftiness, craftsmanship, cunning, cunningness, cutup, deductive power, deftness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, discernment, discrimination, divination, droll, efficiency, epigrammatist, esemplastic power, esprit, expertise, facility, fine Italian hand, finesse, foxiness, funnyman, gag writer, gagman, gagster, gamesmanship, gather, grace, grasp, gray matter, grip, guile, handiness, head, horsemanship, humor, humorist, ideation, imagine, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, insight, integrative power, intellect, intellectual grasp, intellectual power, intellectualism, intellectuality, intelligence, intelligence quotient, inventiveness, ironist, jester, joker, jokesmith, jokester, keenness, know-how, knowledge, lampooner, lucidity, madcap, marbles, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, mental age, mental capacity, mental grasp, mental ratio, mentality, mind, mother wit, native wit, one-upmanship, parodist, penetration, perception, percipience, perspicacity, power of mind, practical ability, prankster, proficiency, prowess, prudence, punner, punster, quick-wittedness, quickness, quipster, rationality, readiness, reason, reasoning power, reckon, reparteeist, resource, resourcefulness, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, saneness, sanity, sapience, satanic cunning, satirist, savoir-faire, savvy, scope of mind, seamanship, sense, senses, sensing, sharpness, shiftiness, shrewdness, skill, skillfulness, slipperiness, slyness, smartness, sneakiness, sophistry, stealth, stealthiness, style, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, suppose, tact, tactfulness, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technique, think, thinking power, timing, trickiness, understanding, virtuosity, wag, wagwit, wariness, wiles, wiliness, wisdom, wisecracker, witlessness, witling, wizardry, workmanship, zany