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with bated breath synonyms and with bated breath related words

Synonyms -> with bated breath synonyms

List of with bated breath synonyms and with bated breath related words.

abjectly, anticipatingly, anticipatively, anticipatorily, anxious, apprehensive, apprehensively, aside, bashfully, behind the curtain, behind the scenes, behind the veil, between the teeth, covertly, diffidently, expectantly, expectingly, fearfully, for fear of, hopefully, humbly, in a corner, in a whisper, in an aside, in darkness, in hidlings, in secret, in suspense, in the background, in the dark, keyed-up, meekly, modestly, mousily, nobody the wiser, on all fours, on bended knee, on edge, on tenterhooks, on tiptoe, out of earshot, quakingly, quivering, secretly, shrinkingly, shyly, sotto voce, sub rosa, submissively, taut, tense, timidly, timorously, tremblingly, tremulously, under the breath, under the rose, undercover, underground, with breathless expectation, with due deference, with muscles tense