List of worldly synonyms and worldly related words.
Philistine, banausic, blase, bodily, carnal, carnal-minded, corporal, corporeal, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, disenchanted, disillusioned, down-to-earth, earthly, earthy, experienced, fleshly, hardheaded, hylic, knowing, material, materialistic, materiate, matter-of-fact, mature, matured, mondaine, mundane, nonsacred, nonspiritual, not born yesterday, old, physical, positivistic, practical, practical-minded, practiced, pragmatic, profane, rational, realist, realistic, reasonable, reprobate, ripe, ripened, sagacious, sane, scientific, scientistic, seasoned, secular, sensible, sensual, sober-minded, somatic, sophisticate, sophisticated, sound, sound-thinking, straight-thinking, substantial, tellurian, telluric, temporal, terrene, terrestrial, tried, tried and true, unblessed, unhallowed, unholy, unideal, unidealistic, unregenerate, unromantic, unsacred, unsanctified, unsentimental, unspiritual, veteran, world-wise, worldly-wise