List of wrap synonyms and wrap related words.
apparel, array, attire, bale, band, bandage, bandaging, bedeck, bedrape, beleaguer, belt, bend, beset, besiege, bind, bind up, binder, binding, blockade, bound, box, box in, brace, bundle, bundle up, cage, camouflage, case, casual clothes, chain, chamber, cinch, cloak, close, close in, clothe, compass, compass about, contain, coop, coop in, coop up, cordon, cordon off, corral, crate, deck, dight, dishabille, do up, drape, dress, dud, dust jacket, embay, embosom, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, encircle, enclasp, enclose, enclothe, encompass, endue, enfold, enrobe, enshrine, enshroud, envelop, envelope, envelopment, environ, enwrap, fence in, garb, garment, gift wrapping, gird, girdle, girt, girth, go around, go round, habilitate, hedge in, hem in, house in, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, invest, involve, jacket, jail, kennel, lace, lap, lash, leaguer, leash, mask, mew, mew up, muffle up, neglige, negligee, pack, package, parcel, pen, pen in, pocket, quarantine, rag out, rail in, raiment, robe, roll up, rope, sheathe, shrine, shroud, shut in, shut up, smother, something comfortable, splice, sport clothes, stable, strap, surround, swaddle, swathe, tie, tie up, tire, truss, truss up, undress, veil, wall in, wire, wrap about, wrap up, wrapper, wrapping, yard, yard up