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wring synonyms and wring related words

Synonyms -> wring synonyms

List of wring synonyms and wring related words.

afflict, agonize, ail, anamorphism, anamorphosis, asymmetry, badger, bend, bite, blackmail, bloody, buckle, burn, chafe, claim, claw, concentrate, contort, contortion, convulse, corkscrew, crinkle, crook, crookedness, crucify, crumple, cut, decoct, demand, detorsion, deviation, disproportion, distill, distort, distortion, distress, essentialize, exact, exaction, excruciate, express, extort, extortion, fester, force from, fret, gall, give pain, gnarl, gnaw, gouge, grate, grind, gripe, harrow, hurt, imbalance, impale, inflame, inflict pain, infuse, intort, irregularity, irritate, kill by inches, knot, lacerate, lancinate, levy blackmail, lopsidedness, macerate, martyr, martyrize, meander, melt down, nip, pain, pierce, pinch, press, press out, prick, prolong the agony, pry loose from, punish, put to torture, quirk, rack, rankle, rasp, refine, rend, rend from, render, rending, rip, rip from, ripping, rub, savage, scallop, scarify, screw, serpentine, shake down, slink, snake, snatch from, soak, spring, squeeze, stab, steep, sting, swirl, tear from, tearing, torment, torsion, tortuosity, torture, try, turn, turn awry, tweak, twine, twirl, twist, twist and turn, unsymmetry, warp, whirl, whorl, wind, worm, wound, wrench, wrench from, wrenching, wrest, wresting, wring from, wring out, wringing, writhe, wry